Aging Services and Programs

2025 Abstract (English) 2025 Abstract (Spanish)

The Saratoga County Department of Aging and Youth Services is committed to assisting our older citizens to remain in their homes and to actively participate in family and community life. The department provides services for seniors throughout the County of Saratoga. These services create opportunities for active older people and meet the needs of those at risk of losing their independence. Older people have access to information and referral services, transportation, job and volunteer opportunities, senior center and day care center programs, congregate and home delivered meals as well as case management and in-home services.

The Saratoga County Department of Aging and Youth has two advisory bodies: The Saratoga County Advisory Council and the Advisory Youth Board. They encourage closer cooperation between employers, labor, schools, churches, recreation commissions, State and local employment programs, service clubs and other public and private agencies so as to stimulate employment and encourage sound programs on the basis of community planning.

All members of the Advisory Council and Advisory Youth Board are appointed by the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors. Membership is between 13 and 28 members, composed of a representative of each of the 19 Towns and 2 Cities in the County. Representatives from various agencies engaged in youth service, minority groups consistent with the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, and 2 Youth 14-21 years of age. The Advisory Council and the Advisory Youth Board meet at least 4 times per year. Regular meetings are open to the public.

View the 2025 Advisory Council.

View the 2024 Advisory Youth Board.

Saratoga County Department of Aging & Youth Services negotiates various subcontracts with third parties to facilitate the direct delivery of services to elderly (60+) residents of Saratoga County. Area Agencies shall give attention to the following priority areas: nutrition (including delivery of meals to homebound elderly); information and referral; transportation; in-home services, counseling; advocacy; adult day care; legal services, and outreach. There is a comprehensive guide; which includes rules and regulations, processes for applying, and operating, under a subcontract, along with necessary forms, provided below.

RFP Application
RFP Subcontract Budget
RFP Rules and Regulations

The Department of Aging and Youth Services assists caregivers through various services including counseling, information about support group meetings, and respite care services and resources.
Caseworkers from The Department of Aging and Youth Services can assist seniors age 60 or older gain access to and coordinate appropriate services, benefits, and entitlements. Caseworkers work directly with clients and families in their homes and by phone. Translation services are provided for those with limited English proficiency. Caseworkers provide assessment, care planning, arranging for services, follow-up, and monitoring for a wide range of topics.
In-home services and supports program are funded under the Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP). It is a coordinated package of non-medical services and supports developed from an assessment to assist older adults who need help with Activities of Daily Living such as dressing, bathing, personal care, and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living like shopping and cooking. All enrollees must be 60 years or older and will receive case management. A financial assessment must first be performed. The cost for these services is on a sliding fee scale determined by income level. Private contributions are accepted through cost sharing, which begins at 150% of the poverty level. The amount of cost sharing increases proportionately with income. Also, if it is concluded that you appear to qualify for low-income programs (example: Medicaid), you will be encouraged to apply for these programs.

Take our survey for the Personal Emergency Response System provided by Connect America
Take our survey for the Aide service you receive from Greater Adirondack Home Health Aides
Take our survey for the Aide service you receive from Wesley Senior Solutions

An emergency response system is a wearable electronic device designed to assist seniors to summon help in the event of an emergency. We provide these devices on a limited basis at no cost to eligible seniors.

Click on the town or city name to see their food pantry information

Ballston Spa

Christ Episcopal Church
15 West High Street
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
No Appointment necessary – Mon/Wed/Fri 10am–12pm, Tues 1pm–3pm, Thurs 5pm–6pm
*Available to Ballston Spa School District Residents*

EOC Food Pantry
39 Bath St
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Sign up on Website / Curbside pickup Tuesday–Friday 11am–2pm / Delivery Tuesday–Friday 10am–1pm

First Baptist Church
202 Milton Avenue
Ballston spa, NY 12020
*No need to call just show up during business hours below*
Tues 9am – 11pm/Thurs 4:30pm – 6pm
*Available to all Saratoga County Residents*

United Methodist Church
101 Milton Ave
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
518-885-6886 *No appointment necessary, open to the public, come during time below*
Wed 9:30am – 12pm
*Available to Ballston Spa residents only*

Clifton Park

Harvest Church Food Pantry
303 Grooms Rd
Clifton Park, NY 12065
518-628-3663 *Call ahead to schedule time*
Tues – Thurs 11am – 2pm *Available to Southern Saratoga Residents (exit 10 and South) with a call from social services representative*

Karyl’s Kupboard
CAPTAIN Youth and Family Services
5 Municipal Plaza, Suite 3
Clifton Park, NY 12065
518-371-1185 * Call ahead to schedule a time*
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 10am – 3pm
*Available to all Saratoga County Residents*
*They are asking that people only use one food pantry*


Corinth Community Cupboard
6 Fourth St
Corinth, NY 12822
518-615-9564 *No appointment necessary. Just park on street in front & go to door.
Tues 2pm – 5pm, Wed 6pm – 8pm, Thursday 9am – 12pm, & Friday 2pm – 5pm
*Corinth School system Residents only*


Greater Galway Food Pantry
2167 Galway Rd
Galway, NY 12074
Thurs 10am – 7pm
*Serving the Galway School District, and Towns of Providence and Charlton*


Greenfield Community Center Food Pantry
25 Wilton Road (next to town hall)
Greenfield Center, NY 12833
Wed 1:30pm – 3:30pm *Just show up*
*Greenfield residents only*

Hadley & Lake Luzerne School District Residents

Maxfield Community Food Pantry
89 Bay Road
Lake Luzerne, NY 12846
518-696-4979 Mon & Wed 1pm – 4pm, Tues 6pm – 8pm, Thurs & Fri 9am – 12pm


Mechanicville Area Community Services Center
6 South Main St
Mechanicville, NY 12118
518-664-8322 Ext 1012 *Call number leave Name, Phone number and number of family members. You
will get a return call with pick up time for Thursday between 11am – 1pm. You need to call Wednesday
before noon to order your box*


Faith Baptist Church
11 Glenridge Rd
Rexford, NY 12148
518-399-2220 *No appointment necessary, just show up and fill out a form located on church door.
Fri 9am – 12pm
*Available to all Saratoga County Residents*

Rock City Falls

ECHO Food Pantry
St. Paul’s Church
771 Route 29
Rock City Falls, NY 12863
Tues 9am – 11:30am, *Just show up, only one client in pantry at a time*
*Serves Rock City Falls residents*

Saratoga Springs

EOC Soup Kitchen
Presbyterian-New England Congregational Church
24 Circular St
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Mon–Sat 11:45am – 1pm, Sun 3pm – 4pm *Serve to anyone who needs food in any county*

Franklin Community Center
10 Franklin St
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
*Online ordering only*
*Serves anyone who needs food in the county*

Salvation Army
27 Woodlawn Ave
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
518-584-1640 *Just come in during times below*
Mon, Wed, & Fri 9am – 11am
*Serves all Saratoga County residents*

St. Paul’s Food Pantry
149 Lake Ave
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Wednesday 4:30pm – 6pm, *Just come in*

St Clement’s Food Pantry
231 Lake Ave
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
518-584-6122 Dawna Miczek
Tues & Wed, 9am – 12pm, Walk in /Pre-Packed bags & Computer online orders
*Available to all Saratoga County residents*


Schuylerville Area Food Emergency Relief (S.A.F.E.R.)
12 Spring Street
Schuylerville, NY 12871
518-507-6043 *No appointment necessary, walk in*
Mon & Fri, 9am – 12pm

South Glens Falls

Moreau Community Center
144 Main St
South Glens Falls, NY 12803
518-792-6007 *No appointment necessary, but calling encouraged*
Mon – Fri 9am – 2:30pm *Bring ID and piece of mail from SGF school district*
*South Glens Falls school district only*

Pine Knolls Food Pantry
Pine Knolls Alliance Church
614 Gansevoort Rd
South Glens Falls, NY 12803 *Pantry is in a ranch style home on property of church. Pull in Parking lot*
518-793-7101 *No appointment necessary, just show up with ID*
Sat 9am- 10:30am
*Open to all counties*


Stillwater Food Pantry
Stillwater United Church
747 Hudson Ave
Stillwater, NY 12170
Mon & Wed 10am – 12pm/Thurs 5pm – 7pm *During July & August Wed 5pm – 7pm instead of Thurs*
*Available to residents in any county*


Faith’s Food Pantry
Grace Episcopal Church
34 Third Street
Waterford, NY 12188
518-237-7370 *Friday 10am – 12pm by appointment, Call leave name and number. Show up at appointed time and food will be on the porch just ring doorbell*
*Waterford Residents only*

Living Hope-United Methodist Church
126 Middletown Rd
Waterford, NY 12188
518-233-0238 *Appointment only*
Fri 9:30am – 11:30am, 1st Thursday of the month 5:30pm – 7pm
*Waterford Residents only*

St. Mary’s/St. Vincent DePaul Society Food Pantry
119 Broad St
Waterford, NY 12188
518-237-3131 *Appointment only, call to set up appointment*
Tues 9am – 11:30am
*Waterford Residents only*


Wilton Food Pantry
Trinity United Methodist Church (Annex)
155 Ballard Rd
Wilton, NY 12831
Wed 6pm – 8pm & Sat 10:30am – 12pm, *Go to Website fill out application & order*
*Available to Northern Saratoga County*

Activities for Seniors Facing Loneliness

Healthy Bones Brochure

Videos: Chair Yoga for Osteoporosis and Healthy Bones for life

Living Healthy Program

Living Healthy workshops help you . . .
Feel better. Increase your energy and get relief from pain, fatigue, and difficult emotions.
Take control of your life. Helps you do the things you want to do each day.
Get connected. Learn from others who have similar health issues.

Living Healthy Workshop Overview

The Living Healthy* workshop is a 6-session, peer-led health education program for people with any type of ongoing health condition and compliments the healthcare that person may already be receiving. The purpose of the Living Healthy workshop is to enhance one’s skills and ability to manage their health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.
In addition participants learn or enhance their problem-solving and decision-making skills which enable them to confront the ever-changing challenges of living with Diabetes. The course is facilitated by two trained volunteers. Participants are invited to bring a family member, friend and/or caretaker.

Program Content Includes:

▪ Decision making & problem-solving skills
▪ Developing & maintaining a safe, long- term physical activity program
▪ Fatigue management
▪ Dealing with anger, depression & difficult emotions
▪ Cognitive management of pain and stress
▪ Communicating effectively with family, friends & health professionals
▪ Using prescribed medication appropriately
▪ Healthy eating
▪ Making informed treatment decisions
▪ Planning for future health care

RESULTS: Stanford University Patient Education Research Center conducted a randomized, controlled test of the program with 1,000 class participants and found many to have the following outcomes for up to three years after attending the class series:

▪ Better communication with physicians
▪ Better coping strategies and symptom management
▪ Increased physical activity
▪ Reduced health distress

* Living Healthy workshops utilize the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program curriculum developed at Stanford University’s Patient Education Research Center. For more information about the program, please visit the Stanford Patient Education Research Center’s website:

The Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) is a free and unbiased service provided by trained staff and volunteers. HIICAP counselors assist with understanding, comparing, and choosing Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans, Medigap plans and Medicare Savings Program, and the Low-Income Subsidy (Extra Help). Services are provided by phone or in-person with a scheduled appointment.

Users of the Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program are welcome to take our satisfaction survey

If you are interested in being a HIICAP counselor please contact the RSVP Coordinator at (518) 884-4110.

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded program that assists eligible households in meeting their home energy needs.  If you are eligible, you will receive one-time regular HEAP benefit per program year and could be also eligible for an Emergency HEAP benefits if you are in danger of running out of fuel or have a utility service shut off.

Department of Aging and Youth Services’ HEAP Department processes HEAP applications for anyone who is age 60 and above or individuals that are deemed disabled and not receiving SNAP.

Please contact:  Saratoga County Department of Aging and Youth HEAP Department phone (518) 884-4111 and Fax (518) 884-4111. Hours: Monday through Friday 9am-5pm.

The HEAP program also offers a Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement Benefit, Clean and Tune Benefit and Cooling Assistance Benefit to those determined eligible. Contact DSS HEAP at (518) 884-4146 for more information.

For more information on the HEAP program please see the OTDA Website:

Who is eligible?

Eligibility and benefit levels are based on income, household size, and the responsibility to pay for heat.

How do I apply?

Contact the Department of Aging and Youth Services for requirements or apply online at myBenefits (

How do I submit documents?

Applicants can mail, fax or download through NYDocSubmit. NYDocSubmit is an app for mobile devices and is available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Where do I get more information?

How to Apply | OTDA (

During the tax season, trained AARP volunteers can assist clients with tax preparation at no cost. This service is by appointment only.  Please call Department of Aging and Youth Services at (518) 884-4100 after January 1st.

Legal services (Wills, Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy) are available to Saratoga County Seniors age 60 or older through a contract with a private attorney. The attorney does not participate in litigation or attend court on behalf of clients. Appointments are required.

Users of the Legal Services Program are welcome to take our satisfaction survey

Do you need additional assistance? NY Connects is a trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long-term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability. NY Connects staff can work with anyone who needs information about long-term services and supports for people of all ages or with any type of disability. This includes information for children or adults with disabilities, older adults, family members, caregivers, friends, neighbors, veterans, and helping professionals. Contact NY Connects of Saratoga County at 1-800-342-9871 or 518-714-4826.

NY Connects

NY Connects – Saratoga County

NY Connects Program Satisfaction Survey

The Department of Aging and Youth Services offers and supports many different contribution-based transportation services in Saratoga County for those who may qualify. Transportation can be used to and from medical appointments, grocery shopping, and other destinations. Available to residents 60 and over.

For Medicaid recipients who are need of medical transportation please call 1-855-852-3292.

Users of AA & H Transportation Services are welcome to take our satisfaction survey

Users of RSVP Medical Transport Service are welcome to take our satisfaction survey
