Services and Programs

The Saratoga County Department of Aging and Youth Services serves as a focal point on all aspects of the County’s responsibility to the Youth of the County for the purpose of planning, coordinating and supplementing the activities of public, private and religious agencies devoted to the welfare and protection of our Youth.

The Saratoga County Department of Aging and Youth has two advisory bodies: The Saratoga County Advisory Council and the Advisory Youth Board. They encourage closer cooperation between employers, labor, schools, churches, recreation commissions, State and local employment programs, service clubs and other public and private agencies so as to stimulate employment and encourage sound programs on the basis of community planning.

All members of the Advisory Council and Advisory Youth Board are appointed by the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors. Membership is between 13 and 28 members, composed of a representative of each of the 19 Towns and 2 Cities in the County. Representatives from various agencies engaged in youth service, minority groups consistent with the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, and 2 Youth 14-21 years of age. The Advisory Council and the Advisory Youth Board meet at least 4 times per year. Regular meetings are open to the public.

View the 2025 Advisory Council.

View the 2024 Advisory Youth Board.

New York State allocations from the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) are awarded to Saratoga County annually.  Youth serving agencies, municipalities and community-based organizations must apply through the Department of Aging and Youth Services.  Programs must reach the general youth population with quality recreation, social and/or skill-building programs.

  • There are four (4) funding streams; RHYA, YDP, YSEF and TEAMs.
  • The application is comprised of four (4) components; OCFS forms 5001, 5002, 5003 and 5005. Additionally, there is an OCFS 5011 that must be completed for YSEF and TEAMs.  Instructions are included with each form.
  • Entities are advised to read the current LCM attached within each funding stream for details on eligibility and requirements.

Before applying, please be sure that you are able to meet the following:

  • The program targets youth and families in Saratoga County.
  • Your agency is a not-for-profit or a community-based organization with federal identification or charity registration number.
  • Municipalities charging a fee for program participation must provide a written policy to accommodate youth who are unable to pay by either offering scholarships, a tiered fee schedule or waiving the fee.
  • Insurance requirements will be met per contract.
  • The program will operate and expend all funds during the contract period.
  • Funded programs must have sufficient overhead to support the reimbursement-claiming process through completion.
  • The claim for reimbursement and the annual report are due annually by October 10th.

Announcements as to funded programs and amounts will be dependent upon the announcement by OCFS of its allocation amounts.   If you have any questions, or need assistance, please call (518) 884-4100. Thank you for your continued commitment to serving the youth of Saratoga County.

We expect to open 2026 funding in July of 2025

For more information: New York State Office of Children and Family Services Youth Development

OCFS Runaway Homeless Youth Act (RHYA)

About the Runaway Homeless Youth Act (LCM)

OCFS-5001 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5002 Agency Program Profile
OCFS-5003 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5003 Coding Document
OCFS-5005 Program Budget

OCFS Youth Development Program (YDP)

About the Youth Development Program (LCM)

OCFS-5001 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5002 Agency Program Profile
OCFS-5003 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5003 Coding Document
OCFS-5005 Program Budget

OCFS Youth Sports and Education Funding (YSEF)

About the Youth Sports and Education Funding (LCM)

OCFS-5001 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5002 Agency Program Profile
OCFS-5003 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5003 Coding Document
OCFS-5005 Program Budget

OCFS Youth Team Sports (YTS)

About the Youth Team Sports (LCM)

OCFS-5001 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5002 Agency Program Profile
OCFS-5003 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5003 Coding Document
OCFS-5005 Program Budget

Other Funding Opportunities

NYS Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Incentive Program

Kids at Heart Program – Northumberland February – April

Lifeguard Certification Program – Annually January – June
Lifeguard Recertification Program – Saturday, March 22, 2025

Summer Adventure Program – Annually July – August

Youth Month Celebration – Double Dutch Jump Rope Clinic – Annually in April

Clinics and Outpatient Services

Catholic Charities
Saratoga County Mental Health

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco

Alcoholics Anonymous
Al-Anon Family Support Group
Local meeting information
CAPTAIN Community Human Services Discover the Best Rehab Programs
Heroin Anonymous – Saratoga Chapter
Hope House, Inc.
Nar-Anon Family Support Group 796-0694
Narcotics Anonymous
Regional NA Meetings
OASAS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services
Prevention Council, The
RAIS Recovery Advocacy
Reality Check “Building a #TobaccoFreeGeneration”
Gambling is an Addiction

Hospitals and Urgent Care Facilities

Albany Medical Center
Bernard & Millie Duker Childrens Hospital
Clifton Park Pediatric Center
Ellis Primary Care, Clifton Park
Four Winds Saratoga
Glens Falls Hospital
Saratoga Hospital

Information, Education, and Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Community Hospice
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County – now WELLSPRING!!
Growing Up Healthy Hotline, c/o NYS Dept. of Health
Lifeworks Community Action
Local Recovery Services
NYS of Health, Marketplace
Saratoga County Department of Social Services

Mental Health Services

Adirondack Samaritan Counseling Center
Four Winds Hospital Saratoga
Saratoga County Citizens Committee for Mental Health, Inc.
Saratoga County Mental Health
Saratoga Psychological Associates


Catholic Charities
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Saratoga Economic Opportunity Council

Physical and Behavioral Health

Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth
Charlton School
Donovan House
Saratoga County Public Health Services

Teen Pregnancy and Adoption

American Red Cross, Northeastern New York Region
Catholic Charities
Community Maternity Services
Planned Parenthood
Saratoga Center for the Family
Saratoga County Department of Social Services

Coordination & Planning Services

Catholic Charities
Community Human Services
Community Maternity Services
Family Matters c/o The Prevention Council
Home Energy Assistance Plan (HEAP)
Juvenile Aid Unit c/o Criminal Investigations Unit, Saratoga Police Department
NY Connects
Office of Community Development c/o Saratoga Springs City Hall
Rural Development; USDA
Social Services, SCDSS
United Way of the Greater Capital Region
WIC c/o Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council


Churches – New List?
Community Centers – New List?

Emergency Volunteer Agencies

After the Fire, Inc.
American Red Cross, Northeastern New York Region
CAPTAIN Community Human Services
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Franklin Community Center
Homeless and Travelers Aid Society
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Mechanicville Area Community Services Center
Moreau Community Center
National Grid
Poison Control Center, American Association of
Salvation Army
Saratoga County Department of Social Services

Things to do with KIDS!

Hobbies & Interests
Albany-Saratoga Speedway
Saratoga Clay Arts Center
Saratoga Mini-Golf, 3071 Rte. 50, Saratoga Springs, 581-0852
Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC)
SPAC Spotlight on Education
Saratoga Springs Ice Skating Rinks
Saratoga Strike Zone
Spare Time Clifton Park
Stepping Star Gymnastics & Dance Inc.
YMCA, Saratoga Springs
YMCA, Southern Saratoga

Criterion Cinemas Saratoga
Malta Drive-In Theatre
Regal Clifton Park Stadium 10 & RPX

Brookside Museum
Childrens Museum at Saratoga, The
Grant Cottage
National Museum of Racing & Hall of Fame
New York State Military Museum
Parks-Bentley Place
Saratoga Automobile Museum
Saratoga Springs Heritage Area Visitor Center
Saratoga Springs History Museum
Scotia-Glenville Traveling Museum
The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery

Eagle Mills Cider Company
Ellms Family Farm
Hudson Crossing Park
Liberty Ridge Farm
Moreau State Park
Olde Saratoga Farms
Saratoga Apple
Saratoga National Historical Park
Saratoga Spa State Park

Volunteer Opportunities and Services

Big Brothers, Big Sisters
CAPTAIN Community Human Services
Foster Grandparent Program, Capital District call 272-6052 ext. 277
Saratoga Mentoring (a program of Catholic Charities)
Shelters of Saratoga, Inc.
Youth Squared – Youth Helping Youth


Alternatives to incarceration
Saratoga County Pretrial Services Program
Saratoga County Community Work Order
Saratoga County Probation Department

Catholic Charities

Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County now WELLSPRING!!

Legal Services
Disability Rights New York
Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York
Mediation Matters
NYS Office of Victim Services (OVS)
Public Defender

Office of Child and Family Services

Saratoga Center for the Family

Saratoga Economic Opportunity Council


Ballston Area Community Center
Capital District Child Care Coordinating Council now known as Brightside Up
Child Care Aware
Office of Child and Family Services
Saratoga County Department of Social Services
Saratoga Springs YMCA
Media Guidelines for Bullying Prevention

Crisis Intervention

Capital Region Association for Eating Disorders – 1653 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12205 – 518-464-9043
CAPTAIN Community Human Services
Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County now WELLSPRING!!
Homeless and Travelers Aid Society
Mediation Matters
Prevention Council, The
Saratoga Center for the Family
Saratoga County Mental Health


Anti-Trafficking Hotlines and Helplines
National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) is a federally funded, toll-free hotline, available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in more than 200 languages.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) Call Center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Polaris – A global safety net for human trafficking.  “Be Free Textline and Human Trafficking Hotline
State Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR) receives calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from mandated and non-mandated reporters, including the public.
National Runaway Safeline is a 24 hour crisis line is anonymous, confidential and free for teens who are thinking of running away from home, have friends who left home, or who left and want to go back.

Helplines for Survivors
National Sexual Assault Hotline (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, RAINN) connects callers to their local rape crisis center and offers anonymous help and support services online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
2-1-1 (United Way) is a telephone service that links callers with essential human services, including shelter, employment, food pantries, support groups, and other services. 2-1-1 can be accessed anywhere in New York State by survivors or service providers looking for service referrals.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline accepts calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
National Domestic Violence Hotline is available  24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

CAPTAIN Community Human Services 371-1185

Child Abuse and Maltreatment:  Office of Children and Family Services 473-7793

Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County – now WELLSPRING!! 584-8188

Growing Up Healthy Hotline, c/o NYS Dept. of Health 1-800-522-5006

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline c/o Capital Counseling 1-800-273-TALK

1-877-8-HOPENY  Struggling with gambling, alcohol, drugs or suicide, anonymous and confidential support is available. NYPCG New York Council on Problem Gambling

Poison Control Center, American Association of 1-800-222-1222

The Prevention Council 581-1230

Saratoga County Mental Health 584-9030

Saratoga County Department of Social Services 884-4144

Preventive and Protective Services

Childrens Services, Saratoga County Department of Social Services
Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County Now WELLSPRING!!
NYS Office of Victim Services (OVS)
Office of Child and Family Services
CAPTAIN Community Human Services
About National Child Passenger Safety Week
Youth Court – Clifton Park
Saratoga County Department of Social Services

Book Box Buddy Program

The Book Box Buddy Program is an Intergenerational program supported through our Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Community Development.

1. A “youth point person” – would connect with a senior liaison that would identify seniors that want to work with youth. The point person would collect completed RSVP applications and submit them to the Department of Aging and Youth Services. We use the forms to screen the individuals, for their ability to work with children, as well as, track the volunteer time donated to the program. *We do not complete a background check; the program facilitators are ultimately responsible for a safety plan when working with youth from your community.

2. Locate a safe space, create a timeframe (schedule) for when you want to run the program and begin to publish the opportunity in your community. Transporting youth needs to be considered when deciding on time and location. Bathrooms and water source may need to be considered with space selection.

3. Youth that want to engage in fun learning with senior community members will complete a registration form and submit that to the youth point person.

4. Then you select the themed curriculum box that you’d like to borrow and we schedule a drop off.

5. The Book Box Buddy program is very literacy rich and is appropriate for an adult to work with just one or two children at the most. There are books to read, games, activities, a craft etc. It is structured like a tutoring session, a very small group with low level activities – a calm atmosphere. All of the items necessary to facilitate the activities are included in the box.

Theme Boxes available
Box # 1 – 2 Alphabet or Alphabet 2
Box # 3 – 4 Apples or Apples 2
Box # 5 – 6 Bats or Bats 2
Box # 7 – 8 Bears or Bears 2
Box # 9 Caterpillars
Box # 10 – 11 Dinosaurs or Dinosaurs 2
Box # 12 – 13 Ducks or Ducks 2
Box # 14 – 15 Farm Animals or Farm Animals 2
Box # 16 – 17 Fish or Fish 2
Box # 18 Frogs
Box # 19 – 20 Grandparents or Grandparents 2
Box # 21 – 22 Moose or Moose 2
Box # 23 – 24 Pigs or Pigs 2
Box #25 Police – Firefighters
Box # 26 – 27 Trains or Trains 2
Box # 28 – 29 Winter or Winter 2

Kids at Heart Club

The Kids at Heart Club Program is an Intergenerational program supported through our Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Community Development.

1. A “youth point person” – would connect with a senior liaison that would identify seniors that want to work with youth. The point person would collect completed RSVP applications and submit them to the Department of Aging and Youth Services. We use the forms to screen the individuals, for their ability to work with children, as well as, track the volunteer time donated to the program. *We do not complete a background check; the program facilitators are ultimately responsible for a safety plan when working with youth from your community.

2. Locate a safe space, create a timeframe (schedule) for when you want to run the program and begin to publish the opportunity in your community. Transporting youth needs to be considered when deciding on time and location. Bathrooms and water source may need to be considered with space selection.

3. Youth that want to engage in fun learning with senior community members will complete a registration form and submit that to the youth point person.

4. Then you select the themed curriculum box that you’d like to borrow and we schedule a drop off.

5. The Kids at Heart Club has high levels of activity and exploration surrounding each theme. It has been built to offer the program to 20 youth at a time, with a recommendation to do small breakout groups/rotations. There are icebreaker games for more youth to learn about the people they are interacting with. Some boxes have a game, a craft, a small motor and large motor component, this offers a mix of sitting/listening vs. moving/doing. These are also more STEAM focused (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.) Again, all of the items necessary to facilitate the activities are included in the box.

6. Through the piloting experience we have found that access to water was an important component for clean up, but the group made due by carrying containers from a nearby bathroom. We have tried to include items that would have been helpful in the moment (such as paper towels.) One of the boxes requires a microwave to pop popcorn.

7. 2 communities have piloted this program so far. One began at school dismissal time and we found the kids want to have a snack and the volunteers personally took on providing a few snacks for kids. The parents pick up at the end of the hour because there is no transportation provided. The second program was held during a drop-in summer park program. The activities were held outside pending nice weather. Kids arrived with senior volunteers or walked to the park in their neighborhood.

Theme Boxes available
1. Box # 32 Kids at Heart
2. Box # 33 Checkers and Golf
3. Box # 34 Bubbles
4. Box # 35 Outer Space
5. Box # 36 Navigate Nature
6. Box # 37 Community Kindness
7. Box # 38 Mosaics and Jenga
8. Box # 39 Dinosaur
9. Box # 40 Hand
10. Box # 41 Bees – The Great Pollinators
11. Box # 42 Bats and Spiders
12. Box # 43 Community Garden
13. Box # 44 Turning Point – Local History
