Living Healthy Workshop
Living Healthy workshops help you . . .
Feel better. Increase your energy and get relief from pain, fatigue, and difficult emotions.
Take control of your life. Helps you do the things you want to do each day.
Get connected. Learn from others who have similar health issues.
The Living Healthy* workshop is a 6-session, peer-led health education program for people with any type of ongoing health condition and compliments the healthcare that person may already be receiving. The purpose of the Living Healthy workshop is to enhance one’s skills and ability to manage their health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.
In addition participants learn or enhance their problem-solving and decision-making skills which enable them to confront the ever-changing challenges of living with Diabetes. The course is facilitated by two trained volunteers. Participants are invited to bring a family member, friend and/or caretaker.
Program Content Includes:
▪ Decision making & problem-solving skills
▪ Developing & maintaining a safe, long- term physical activity program
▪ Fatigue management
▪ Dealing with anger, depression & difficult emotions
▪ Cognitive management of pain and stress
▪ Communicating effectively with family, friends & health professionals
▪ Using prescribed medication appropriately
▪ Healthy eating
▪ Making informed treatment decisions
▪ Planning for future health care
RESULTS: Stanford University Patient Education Research Center conducted a randomized, controlled test of the program with 1,000 class participants and found many to have the following outcomes for up to three years after attending the class series:
▪ Better communication with physicians
▪ Better coping strategies and symptom management
▪ Increased physical activity
▪ Reduced health distress
For further information on Living Healthy workshops in Saratoga County call 518-884-4100.
* Living Healthy workshops utilize the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program curriculum developed at Stanford University’s Patient Education Research Center. For more information about the program, please visit the Stanford Patient Education Research Center’s website: http://patienteducation.stanford.edu/programs/cdsmp.html
Upcoming Living Healthy Workshops