Saratoga County Department of Health regulates mobile food services and pushcarts in accordance with New York Sanitary Code, Subpart 14-4, Mobile Food Service Establishments and Pushcarts . Saratoga County Department of Health works with mobile food service operators and pushcart owners to minimize health risks.  By focusing on operations and menu items that can be safely prepared, stored, and served with the equipment on hand, vendors can successfully engage in mobile food events.

A mobile food service establishment is a self-contained food service operation, located in a vehicle or movable stand, self or otherwise propelled, used to store, prepare, display or serve food intended for individual portion service.

A pushcart is a cart or barrow, manually propelled, used to vend food intended for individual portion service.

  • Food safety practices
  • Cleanliness and sanitization
  • Food source
  • Water supply
  • Personal hygiene of food handlers
  • Waste management
  • Physical condition of the food truck or pushcart

You need a mobile food service permit if you are preparing, handling, or serving food or beverages for the public using a vehicle, moveable stand, or pushcart in Saratoga County.

Examples of common events or locations where mobile food service establishments tend to operate:

  • Fairs
  • Festivals
  • Sports events
  • Breweries
  • Farmer’s markets

Please call the Saratoga County Department of Health at (518) 584-7460 or Email us with any questions or concerns you may have.

To apply to open a new mobile food service in Saratoga County please complete a Notice of Intent to Construct, Enlarge, or Convert a Facility.

Upon reviewing the Notice of Intent, staff will contact you to discuss next steps.

Complete the application online using the Saratoga County Citizen Engagement Portal. Create an account for Saratoga County or log in with an existing account.

  1. Select Mobile Food Permit Application.
  2. Complete the online application and upload the required documents.
  3. Pay by debit, credit card, or e-check.

Apply Online Now
