Saratoga County Department of Health oversees the operation of temporary food establishments in accordance with New York State Sanitary Code, Subpart 14-2, Temporary Foods. A temporary food service is an operation where food is prepared and served to the public, with or without charge, at a fixed location in conjunction with a single event of not more than 14 consecutive days. Saratoga County Department of Health works hard to ensure that all food establishments in Saratoga County are clean, safe, and compliant with all food safety and sanitary requirements.

You need a permit if you are preparing, handling, or serving food or beverages for the public. Any advertisement of the food service to the public would mean a permit is required.

Examples of activities that require a food permit:
• Restaurant operations
• Community celebrations
• Sports events
• Churches holding events off of their property
• A company that prepares food and serves it at events like weddings
• Fundraisers
• Craft fairs
• Mobile food truck, trailers, or push carts serving food in Saratoga County

The following activities are exceptions and do not require a food permit:

  • Food prepared and served by members of a group for members of the group.
    -Examples include a private wedding that does their own food preparation, a party or potluck where partygoers make and share food, a church activity for members.
  • Serving only unopened commercially packaged items.
    – Examples include selling only manufacturer sealed bagged chips, candy bars in the wrapper, and bottled soda.
  • Keg-only beer tents where the only activity is tapping and pouring beer. Keep in mind the use of ice to be consumed or mixing drinks will require a permit.
  • Churches serving food to the public once a week or less.
    – Example includes a church that has a Friday night dinner open to the public.
  • Serving packaged items listed under a Home Processing License from the Department of Agriculture and Markets.
    – Example includes selling wrapped, individually portioned dry baked goods such as cookies and brownies made at home.
    – How do I get a Home Processing License? Visit the Department of Agriculture and Markets Webpage to see if you qualify.

To report a violation or unsafe conditions please call the Saratoga County Department of Health at (518) 584-7460 or email us at en***********@sa**************.gov.

Apply Online
Complete the application online using the Saratoga County Citizen Engagement Portal. Create an account for Saratoga County or log in with an existing account.
1. Select the Temporary Food Permit Application.
2. Complete the online application and upload the required documents.
3. Pay by debit, credit card, or e-check.
Apply Online Now
