- Reduces the County’s Property Tax Rate by 8%, keeping it under the State tax cap
- Provides homeowners with the lowest property tax rate in New York State at $1.95 per $1,000 of assessed value
- Makes significant investments for important programs and services to benefit our residents
- Delivers a $411 million budget for 2024
Keeping more of your money in your pocket by having low taxes and remaining fiscally conservative with your tax dollars
The proposed $411 million budget reduces the property tax rate by 8%, keeping the levy within the state’s property tax cap and continuing to provide Saratoga County homeowners the lowest property tax rate in the State at $1.95 per $1,000
of assessed value.
The County makes a conservative sales tax revenue projection for 2024 of $165 million, amidst higher inflation and uncertainty in future consumer spending habits. This is $5 million less than the expected 2023 year-end revenue.
The County’s debt service remains less than 1% of the County’s operating budget. This low debt helps to maintain the County’s high AA+ rating from Standard & Poors (S&P), which will help the County weather any possible downturns in the nation’s uncertain fiscal environment.

Serving residents of all ages through a wide variety of programs

We are continuing to support youth through the Department of Aging and Youth Services’ Youth Development, Youth Sports, and Teams programs. The new Teams program provides funding to towns and team sports programs that support the health and well-being of children and youth. All programs provide opportunities to disadvantaged children countywide who may not otherwise have access to youth sports programs. ($352,612)
We will have a new Caregivers Conference administered by the Department of Aging and Youth Services dedicated to empowering family and professional caregivers with essential knowledge, resources, and practical tools to help them in their important roles of caregivers. ($9,240)

We will continue to offer Workforce Development training to provide residents and businesses with career and job seeker training opportunities with a special focus on developing a strong workforce for indemand skilled trades jobs. ($487,471)
Making smart investments in initiatives that benefit communities in all
corners of Saratoga County
We are continuing our longstanding commitment to preserving open space and providing outdoor recreational opportunities for residents through investments in our Farmland and Open Space Acquisition program and fish stocking program and by increasing funding for our Local Assistance to County Trails grant program. ($575,000)

We are making enhanced investments in economic development and tourism programs to maintain Saratoga County’s status as a cultural, entertainment, and
industry destination for travelers and businesses worldwide. (more than $1.3 million)
Reaffirming our commitment to public safety and public health by supporting initiatives that affect communities countywide

We are making robust investments in public safety to build upon Saratoga County’s longstanding ranking as one of New York State’s safest communities and
support officials’ increased obligations stemming from changes in New York State public safety laws. These include personnel, technology, and equipment for the Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney’s Office, Probation Department, Public Defender’s Department, and Conflict Defender’s Office (nearly $57,000,000).
We are making upgrades to Emergency Services communications to support our first responders and building a new Fire Training Tower to support our volunteer
firefighters and the important work they do to protect and assist families and businesses throughout Saratoga County. (more than $3 million)

Building upon our commitment to address the opioid epidemic through prevention, education, treatment, and response efforts, in 2024 we will use Opioid Settlement Funds to create more programs and provide services to connect families, veterans, and underserved populations with community-based treatment,
rehabilitation, recovery, and support services related to opioid and substance use disorders. ($155,937)