The County of Saratoga provides access to high quality, affordable healthcare through CDPHP for its employees. There are several self-insured medical plans. Each plan includes free preventative care (in-network only) and is bundled with vision and prescription benefits. Health Benefits become effective the 1st of the month following an employee’s date of hire or enrollment, and remain effective until the end of the month that employment is terminated with Saratoga County. To see your current benefit elections or to make changes (during open enrollment or special enrollment periods only) to your benefits sign into 4MyBenefitsEmployee Navigator.
2025 Health Insurance Rates

Health Insurance Plans Offered to Full Time CSEA and Management Employees
CSEA/Management POS $30/$40 Plan:
This plan is offered to all full-time employees aside from those in the corrections unit and PBA employees. The plan includes $30 co-pays for office visits and $40 co-pays for specialist visits. This plan offers eye exams for a $40 co-pay every 24 months and one pair of glasses ($15 co-pay with a $175 allowance) or contacts ($200 allowance) every 24 months. A general break down of what is covered on this plan is included here.
2025 Saratoga County CSEA-Mgmt POS $30/$40 Plan

CSEA/Management PPO $20/$40 Plan:
This plan is offered to all full-time employees aside from those in the corrections unit and PBA employees. This plan includes a $20 co-pay for office visits and $40 co-pay for specialist visits. The plan offers eye exams for a $40 co-pay every 24 months with no eyewear or contacts covered. A general break down of what is covered on this plan is listed here.
2025 Saratoga County CSEA-Mgmt PPO $20/$40 Plan

2025 CSEA/Mgmt – Compare the Plans

Health Insurance Plans Offered to Full Time PBA (Road Patrol) Employees
PBA POS $30/40 Plan:
This plan is only offered to full-time PBA employees. This plan includes $30 co-pays for office visits and $40 co-pays for specialist visits. This plan offers eye exams for a $40 co-pay every 24 months along with one pair of glasses ($15 co-pay with a $175 allowance) or standard contacts ($200 allowance) every 24 months.
2025 Saratoga County PBA POS $30/$40 Plan

PBA PPO $30/40 Plan:
This plan is only offered to full-time PBA employees. This plan includes $30 co-pays for office visits and $40 co-pays for specialist visits. This plan offers eye exams for a $40 co-pay every 24 months with no eyewear or contacts covered.
2025 Saratoga County PBA PPO $30/$40 Plan

2025 PBA – Compare the Plans

Health Insurance Plan Offered to Full Time UPSEU (Corrections) Employees
UPSEU POS $25/40 Plan:
This plan is only offered to full-time employees in the Corrections Unit. This plan includes $25 co-pays for office visits and $40 co-pays for specialist visits. This plan offers eye exams for a $40 co-pay every 24 months along with one pair of glasses ($15 co-pay with a $175 allowance) or standard contacts ($200 allowance) every 24 months.
2025 Saratoga County UPSEU $25/$40 Plan

Contact Information
Customer Service: 1-877-724-2579 or 518-641-3100



Optional Prescription Program Cana RX
CANARX is a voluntary international mail order option. To be eligible for the CANARX program, you must be an existing member of a Saratoga County medical insurance plan and not eligible under Medicare coverage.

Cana Rx Summary

Contact Information
Customer Service: 1866-893-6337

All Medicare eligible Retirees will go onto the MVP plan when they submit the required documentation to Human Resources. A summary of this plan is included below. Please go to the “Retiree” section for more information.

Contact Information
Health Insurance Benefits for Medicare Eligible Retirees are administered by MVP Healthcare
2025 MVP Benefit Summary
Customer Service: 1-800-665-7924

The County of Saratoga offers two different Dental Plans, both through MetLife.

Dental Low Plan
This plan covers preventative care such as cleanings, exams, and x-rays for both in-network and out-of-network providers. This plan also covers eighty percent (80%) of the cost of basic restorations such as fillings and extractions. Major restorations, such as bridges or dentures, and orthodontia are not covered under this plan. There is no deductible for this plan.

Dental High Plan
This plan covers preventative care such as cleanings, exams, and x-rays for both in-network and out-of-network providers. This plan also covers eighty percent (80%) of the cost of basic restorations such as fillings and extractions. 50% of the cost of major restorations, such as bridges and dentures, and orthodontia are covered under this plan. There is a maximum benefit of $1500 for Orthodontia per person under this plan. The deductible is $50 for an individual or $150 for a family.

To see a side-by-side comparison of the plans, Compare the Plans.
For more information, see the 2025 MetLife Dental Plan Summary.

Contact Information
Contact MetLife at 1-800-942-0854 or 1-800-438-6388

Flexible Spending Accounts
County of Saratoga offers two types of Flexible Spending Accounts to choose from:

Medical Flexible Spending Account (MFSA):
Employees contribute pre-taxed dollars into this account which can be used for eligible health care expenses. Employees can contribute up to $3,200 per year. Up to $640 can be rolled over into the next plan year from this account.

Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP):
Employees contribute pre-taxed dollars into this account which can be used for child or adult dependent care, an individual to provide care in or out of your home, or nursery school and preschools. Dependent care services must be for the care of a tax-dependent child under age 13 who lives with you, or a tax-dependent parent, spouse or child who lives with you and is incapable of caring for himself or herself. The care must be needed so that you and your spouse (if applicable) can go to work. Care must be given during normal working hours.

Flex Spending Account & Dependent Care
Flex Portal
2025 Saratoga County Flex Benefit Summary
FSA Quickstart Guide
FSA Requesting Receipts
FSA Summer Fun Flyer

Contact Information
Customer Service: 518-792-0042 or 1-866-311-7110

Retirement Benefits

Deferred Compensation Plan:
The Deferred Compensation Plan is a State sponsored voluntary retirement savings plan to help employees achieve their retirement savings goals by providing investment products, investment education programs and related services. Employees can sign up for Deferred Compensation at any time during their employment. Deferred Compensation Helpline: 1-800-422-8463.

Deferred Compensation Plan Brochure
Deferred Compensation Plan Enrollment Application
Visit the New York State Deferred Compensation website

NYS Retirement:
All permanent, full-time employees of Saratoga County must join the NYS Local Employee Retirement System. Contributions are salary and tier based. Employees will contribute the allocated percentage of their gross wages and will be locked in until retirement unless the employee leaves County employment. Any employee working part-time or temporarily must join if they have a current, active number in the retirement system. After 5 years an employee becomes vested. If an employee who is not vested leaves county employment, they can withdraw any money in the system.

For more information go to the NYS Retirement Website: or call 518-474-7736.
