Saratoga County Career Center Announces February Virtual Workshops Schedule
January 30, 2024
Free Career Workshops Provided by the Greater Capital Region Career Centers
BALLSTON SPA, NY — The Saratoga County Career Center in conjunction with the Greater Capital Region Career Centers will hold the following free virtual career workshops during February:
Read more...February 1 at 11AM: Transferable Skills. Transferable skills are qualities you have already acquired that can be used in a different job. Learn how to make employers see the connection between your qualities and the skillset needed to do the job and market yourself as the solution to an employer’s problem. Facilitated by Warren and Albany.
February 13 at 10:30AM: Interview Preparation. Learn how to articulate your strengths, what questions to expect, how to address difficult topics, and ace the interviewing process. Facilitated by Schenectady.
February 14 at 10AM: Goal Setting. This workshop explores how goal setting works, why goals are important, and provides helpful resources to get you started to reach your dreams. Facilitated by Washington and Albany.
February 15 at 11AM: Completing Job Applications. Statistics show approximately 50% of mid-sized companies and almost all large corporations use an applicant tracking system to screen candidates for job opportunities. Learn how to prepare your online application to get the most visibility from hiring managers. Facilitated by Warren and Washington.
February 16 at 10:30AM: Networking. Networking is your strategic tool for cultivating lasting relationships, fostering professional growth, and unlocking opportunities. Join us for an approachable journey to understanding networking. Facilitated by Warren and Albany.
February 21 at 10AM: Resume Development. This workshop presents the basics of a powerful and effective cover letter including formatting, tailoring to the job, and getting through the online application process to land an interview. Please have a rough draft of your resume with you. Facilitated by Rensselaer & Columbia-Greene.
February 22 at 1:30PM: Social Media. Your social media presence can make or break your ability to find a job. Learn how to use social media to your advantage in searching for a job and marketing yourself to land the job or career you’ve always wanted. Facilitated by Schenectady.
February 27 at 11AM: Overcoming Barriers. Join an informal discussion about how to overcome potential stumbling blocks to finding a job. Whether you’re facing transportation needs, childcare needs, prior justice system involvement, inexperience, health concerns or more, this
workshop will provide you with resources and strategies to help you meet your goals. Facilitated by Saratoga and Fulton-Montgomery-Schoharie.
Registration is required for all workshops. Visit https://thejoblink.org/calendar/ to register or call the Saratoga County Career Center at (518) 884-4170 for more information. The workshops are offered as part of the Saratoga County Career Center’s WorkPays! workforce education campaign.
The Saratoga County Department of Workforce Development provides comprehensive training and employment services to residents through its Career Center and works with local businesses to attract and retain the local workforce.
The Greater Capital Region Career Centers is a group of local county and city-based Career Centers and partners that coordinate services to address the workforce needs of the Greater Capital Region by providing a variety of career and workforce resources, training opportunities, and more. Members include Capital Region Workforce New York; Columbia-Green Workforce NY; City of Albany Career Center; L.E.A.P; Rensselaer County Career Center; Saratoga County Career Center; Schenectady County Connects; Warren County Career Center; Workforce Solutions System of Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie Counties.

Statement from Saratoga County Chairman of the Board Phil Barrett on Quad Saratoga Closing Announcement
January 19, 2024
We are disappointed to learn today of Quad Graphic’s decision to close its Saratoga Springs facility. As the lowest taxed county in New York State, Saratoga County does everything possible at the local government level to maintain positive policies that keep the cost of doing business low here.
The Saratoga County Department of Workforce Development will work to identify new career opportunities for displaced employees and the County will continue to work closely with Saratoga County Economic Development Corporation and our local Chamber of Commerce to attract new private sector business investments in Saratoga County.

Saratoga County to Hold Free Narcan Training & Distribution in Clifton park Thursday, January 25
January 18, 2024
CLIFTON PARK, NY – Saratoga County will hold a free Narcan training and distribution event on Thursday, January 25th, from 4pm-7pm at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library in the Town of Clifton Park (475 Moe Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065). This distribution event is in partnership with the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office, Saratoga County Department of Health, Saratoga County Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Town of Clifton Park, Town of Halfmoon and the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library.
Read more...Participants will learn how to recognize an opioid overdose and administer nasal Narcan, which takes approximately 10 minutes. Participants will receive a free Narcan rescue kit, which includes two doses of Narcan, a rescue breathing face shield, a certificate of training, a drug disposal system, and a mental health and substance use disorder resource guide.
Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan, is a safe medication that can save someone’s life by reversing the effects of an opioid overdose. It only works on opioids, such as heroin, prescription pain medications and fentanyl, but it is safe to use even if opioids are not present. 911 should always be called after administering Naloxone. New York State’s Good Samaritan Law allows people to call 911 without fear of arrest if they are having a drug overdose that requires emergency medical care or if they witness someone overdosing.
Residents who are unable to attend the distribution can register to obtain an overdose rescue kit at www.saratogacountyny.gov/narcan.

Clifton Park Supervisor Phil Barrett Selected Chair of Saratoga County Board of Supervisors in 2024
January 3, 2024
BALLSTON SPA, NY – Town of Clifton Park Supervisor Philip C. Barrett was selected Tuesday to chair the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors in 2024. Barrett received an overwhelming majority of votes from his colleagues on the 23-member Board of Supervisors at the board’s annual organization meeting.
Read more...“I am honored and thankful to my colleagues for selecting me to chair the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors,” Barrett said. “The Board has moved forward in a positive and unified manner in recent years, allowing us to successfully accept the challenge of completing large scale initiatives that will shape the future of Saratoga County for decades into the future. The next couple of years will further illustrate our commitment to producing results for Saratoga County residents and instilling an unmatched record of achievement where we manage success, not decline.”
Phil Barrett is currently serving in his 13th term as Clifton Park Town/County Supervisor. During his time in office, Supervisor Barrett has successfully worked to secure private sector investment to redevelop Clifton Park’s Town Center, permanently preserved 1700 acres of property which were added to the parks and recreation system, built 17 miles of new trails, lowered taxes, saved the taxpayers more than $1.5 million through operational reforms at the Town’s formerly ailing ice arena, initiated a Full Day Summer Camp, instituted a model Ethics Law and many other important initiatives.
Supervisor Barrett served as the Chairman of the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors in 2007 and currently serves on the board of the Saratoga County Water Authority. Supervisor Barrett also has experience as a military officer and a career in the private sector where he last served as a VP for Key Bank.
Surrogate Court Judge Jonathan Schopf administered the oath of office for Chairman Barrett during Wednesday’s meeting. County Clerk Hayner also swore in six new county supervisors and 17 returning supervisors for 2024.
During the meeting, Saratoga Springs Supervisor Mathew Veitch was selected as Vice Chairman of the Board and will Chair the County’s Law & Finance Committee. He was sworn in as Vice Chair by Surrogate Court Judge Jonathan Schopf. Committee assignments were also distributed to the members of the Board by Chairman Barrett.
Saratoga County Board of Supervisors regular Board meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 40 McMaster Street, Ballston Spa, NY; they are open to the public and livestreamed at www.saratogacountyny.gov.