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Soil and Water Conservation District

Saratoga County Soil and Water Conservation District was created by a resolution of the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors in 1947. Since then, The District has developed programs related to the needs of Saratoga County and worked to support County municipalities and residents through locally developed and led programs.

Saratoga County SWCD is one of 58 Conservation Districts in New York State. Our Soil and Water Conservation District is led by our 7-member Board. The Board is made up of County residents from many different backgrounds and they are responsible for directing District staff. Programs are made available


2024-08-12T09:01:43-04:00July 26th, 2023|

Landowner Assistance

Tire Recycling
The Saratoga County Soil & Water Conservation District is planning a Spring 2025 Tire Recycling Program. Please check back for more information as the new year approaches. Septic
Saratoga County Soil and Water Conservation District is working to support a program that offers grant funding for homeowners near the Dwaas Kill Watershed area (Clifton Park and Halfmoon). If you meet the program criteria and choose to participate, New York State will provide funds to reimburse eligible homeowners for a portion of the cost of replacing failing septic systems


2024-08-12T09:52:45-04:00July 25th, 2023|