Tobacco Enforcement Programs

Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act (ATUPA)
The Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act (ATUPA) (Public Health Law Article 13F) was created to help prevent the sale of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, and accessories to anyone under the age of 21. Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, bidis, gutka, chewing tobacco and powdered tobacco, rolling papers, smoking paraphernalia, or any other tobacco products. ATUPA also prohibits the sale of vaping products, including electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine, to anyone under the age of 21, and bans the sale of all flavors of vapor products, except for tobacco flavor.

New York State Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA)
The Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA) (Public Health Law Article 13E) was created to eliminate smoking and vaping in indoor workplaces, including restaurants, and other public gathering sites.

The Saratoga County Department of Health ensures that facilities that sell tobacco and vaping products are properly registered with the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF), that proper signage regarding the sale of tobacco and vaping products to minors is conspicuously posted and that tobacco and vaping products are properly stored to prevent access to unauthorized individuals.  At least one compliance check per year with underage youth is done at each facility where tobacco and vaping products are sold, to verify that such products are not being sold to minors.  Violators and unregistered dealers are reported to the DTF for enforcement.

To report a retailer that is selling tobacco or vaping products to anyone under the age of 21 or is selling flavored products illegally, please feel free to contact the Saratoga County Department of Health by phone (518)-584-7460, by email at en***********@sa**************.gov, or in person at 6012 County Farm Road, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.

The New York State Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA) requires indoor public places and work sites across New York State to be smoke-free.  The law applies to virtually all places of business, including bars and restaurants. Business owners are required to inform employees and patrons that smoking and vaping is prohibited indoors and to post No Smoking signs in conspicuous places within their establishment.

The Saratoga County Department of Health regularly inspects facilities that are under permit from the department and responds to complaints that are received from the public to determine compliance with various provisions of the law.  To file a smoking complaint, please contact the Saratoga County Department of Health by email at en***********@sa**************.gov, or in person at 6012 County Farm Road, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.

The regulations can be found on the NYS Senate website.

Article 13F provides the legislation for the ATUPA program. A guide to the CIAA can be found in Article 13E.

Questions about how the statewide smoking law applies to your business can be answered by calling the Saratoga County Department of Health at (518)-584-7460 or email us at en***********@sa**************.gov.

To report a violation or unsafe conditions please call the Saratoga County Department of Health at (518) 584-7460 or email us at en***********@sa**************.gov.
