Environmental Health Banner

The Saratoga County Department of Health (SCDOH) and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) are working together to transition many environmental health programs currently operated by NYSDOH’s Glens Falls District Office to SCDOH’s recently established Division of Environmental Health. The transition is expected to be completed in 2025. Those environmental health programs that have been fully transitioned and are now operated by SCDOH are underlined and hyperlinked below. Programs that are still operated by NYSDOH are not underlined or hyperlinked. Permitted entities will be notified in advance of the transition of each program. Until that time, questions and concerns about NYSDOH operated environmental health programs should be directed to their Glens Falls District Office at 518-793-3893.

For more information, contact the Saratoga County Department of Health at (518) 584-7460, or Email us.

Common Requests



Fee ScheduleFee Schedule

Fee Schedule





Programs and Services

Agricultural Fairgrounds

Bathing Beaches

Food Service Establishments

Mobile Food Service

Mobile Home Parks

Nuisance Complaints

Realty Subdivisions

Temporary Food Service
